Email Fr. Philip at frphiliplemasters@gmail.com.
Mailing Address: St. Luke Orthodox Christian Church, 501 Sunset Drive, Abilene, TX 79605
Phone: (325) 704-2638
Email Fr. Philip at frphiliplemasters@gmail.com.
Mailing Address: St. Luke Orthodox Christian Church, 501 Sunset Drive, Abilene, TX 79605
Phone: (325) 704-2638
5:30 PM
Great Vespers
9:00 AM
10 AM Divine Liturgy
6 pm
Presanctified Liturgy
6 pm
Little Compline with
Akathist Hymn
As those who bear the divine image and likeness, our calling is to die to all that would keep us from sharing fully in the eternal life of the God-Man. Though doing so is truly an eternal goal, we participate already in a foretaste of such blesse...
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